Friday 6 January 2012


Whilst filming our opening we used a number of props to help us really create a realistic and overall make the opening as good as possible. Below are the main props that we used in our opening:

 This is the coat that we used for the murderer. We wanted to use a dark coat which was quite big and heavy so that puts across the sense of danger in the audience when watching. It also doesn't reveal anything on the murderers body which again makes people feel unnerved about the murderer.

 We used the fake blood in the final scene of our opening. We used it on the knife (seen below) to obvious create the look of someone being cut. It is very realistic and all in all makes the scene a lot better and adds to the horror of it.

This is the knife we used for the murderer to kill with. As it was a real knife we needed to handle with care but when we used it to slit the throat, we used the blunt side of the knife so that it looked like it it was cutting the skin but obviously it was in fact just the blunt side.

This is the mask that the murderer wears in our film. We looked around and we thought that this mask was good because when someone is wearing it, it does looks very scary and puts you in some discomfort. It also conceals the identity of the murderer which also puts the audience very much so on edge.

Out of the props we used we had to purchase the blood and the mask. We asked around but no-one had any fake blood they could lend us and no-one had a mask that we thought was really suitable for our film. Although in the end it didn't cost us that much as we split the costs between the three of us.

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