Friday 20 January 2012


Filming Session 1:
We first started our filming on the 5th of December. We were at Harri Nicholl's house and film the first scene (1-9) and the last scenes (41-46). This filming session was very successful and went really well although we did have some minor difficulties whilst filming. To start with we wanted the start of our film to feel like it was at a party but because there were only about 4 of us there (including the cameraman) which meant that it wouldn’t of been a very lively party if we would have tried to film one between us, but we came up with a solution. We decided to wait until 31st January (New Years Eve) because we were all invited to a friend’s house party, this gave us a great opportunity to film a real party. We must have recorded about 30 minutes worth of footage which we could then edit down to the best bits and the clips we thought would work the best in our film. The Last scenes were quite difficult to film because the room we were located in was quite small. We got around this problem by having one person filming at a time. The main actor (Harri) was in the bed whilst one of us three were filming, and the other two were out of the room, this was good because it meant we could all film loads of shots individually and choose the best ones for our film.

Filming Session 2:

On Thursday 8th December we started our second filming session. In this part of the filming we wanted to aim on the part of our opening when the main character was walking home from the party. Once she walks out the door there would be a jump shot to the first of the walking shots. In these shots we wanted to create the sense that someone was watching her as she was walking and also create some good shots for mise en scene. We took shots from behind bars and gates so it had the impression that someone was watching her and also to create the feeling of her being trapped. We also included red lights in the background of quite a few shots to make the audience feel like there is danger on the horizon. Not only this but in one of the shots we specifically made her walk past a 'DANGER' sign which if noticed by the viewers, it will again make them feel like danger is coming. We took lots of shots with lots of different angles on the camera. We took high, low and canted shots. By taking lots of different types of shots it allowed us to have a wide range to choose from when it came to editing. This helped us to create a much better overall effect because as we wanted to build tension the quick transitions of shots played a big part of this.

Filming Session 3:
As this was the 'killing scene' it was definitely the hardest part of the filming so far. We wanted to try and build as much tension as possible as well as making sure the cutting of the throat look as realistic as possible. Also because this scene was the main highlight/climax of the opening we wanted to make it as good as possible, we did this by capturing a number of shots (like when we were filming the walking part) which in turn helped when editing because it allowed us to choose from a range of shots. We tried to make the transactions between shots very quick and snappy. When it actually came the cutting the throat we wanted to be quite clever and show as little of the actual cutting as we could. Also although it links to editing we made the shot when the cut occurs slightly blurry which also creates quite a nervy feeling in the audience.

Voice Overs:
Originally for the part of our opening we had a blank screen just after one of the party shots and it was a voice over of a couple (one of them being the main character) arguing. We put this is because we felt without it that people would be quite confused to why Harri would be leaving the party.
After watching our finished piece a number of times we felt that the blank screen with the voice over wasn't very effective because it lasted for quite a few seconds and it was quite confusing as to whats going on.
This then turned into Filming Session 4 and because we didn't have any free time after school when we could all meet we decided that we would have to film it during school time. After organizing a time and getting the actors to bring in the same clothing as they were wearing in the shots when they came down the stairs we began to film. We found a quite are that looked quite 'home like' so it wasn't obvious that we were filming in school. After filming the shots needed we edited them into out film piece. All in all it work really well and meant that people could understand and follow the story a lot easier.

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