Wednesday 14 September 2011

Camera Shot Analysis

This image of the taken from the film 'Batman - The Dark Knight' is a close up shot of The Joker with the slightly blurred figure of batman in the background.
This image portrays a very sinister atmosphere due to the fact the shot is concentrated onto The Jokers face. This is emphasised by the fact that the head of Batman has deliberately been cut off to make you really focus in on The Jokers features although his facial expressions are totally obscured by the make-up he is wearing. 
The shot is very straight on and creates only a slight shadow if any at all. As there is no shadow on his face this could symbolise that he only has one side to his personality. During this part of the film he is about to be interrogated so the shot helps to focus on any facial expression he shows, which again is obscured by the make-up and not shadow.
The fact that the shot is at eye level with The Joker so you are at his level puts you in his position and makes you feel slightly intimidated by him.

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