Monday 26 December 2011

Target Audience

As part of my research I created a questionnaire which a total of 22 people filled out.
I asked these questions:

·         How old are you?
·         Are you a male or female?
·         Do you like horror films?
·         How do you watch horror films?
·         Who do you watch them with?
·         How often do you watch them?
·         Do you look for a particular actor/actress?
·         What is your preferred type of horror?
·         How much would you be willing to spend to watch a horror film?

From these questions and the answers I collected I made various pie charts and also a few bar graphs, these are seen below:

From the information I collected I thought that it would be good to target my audience mainly for males from the age range of about 16-21. 
I have also produced a short movie of interview clips that I will include in my evaluation. This movie goes into a bit more depth because you can actually hear them talking about.

Monday 12 December 2011

Preliminary Task - Dom Harri Toby Becky Harri

For out Preliminary Task we had to make a short video scene of:

Subject A entering a room from a corridor and opening the door. Inside the room Subject B is sitting down without saying anything, A gives a pieces of paper to B. B reads it and reacts. A displays some kind of emotion and leaves. This task MUST demonstrate match on action,shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule.

I am in a group with; Toby Harvey, Harri Long, Harri Nicholls and Becky Roydhouse.

We decided that we would stick to the horror genre so we can start to get the feel of how to direct and edit to get the effects and characteristics of a typical horror film. Before we did any sort of story boarding we made lots of notes about how and what we could do for our short scene.

- Ashwell (village near our school) - an old house, the recreation ground/park, the spring.
- School - class room, lunch hall, on the school field.
- Grave Yard.
- Woods/Forest.
- Around a Lake.
- Old farm yard and barns.

Time of Day
We thought about this and decided that because it is a horror film and when you think of this genre you think of dark and spooky so there would be no point in filming during the day so we decided to film either when it is getting dark or when it is really dark at night.

- We thought we would keep it simple and try not to use many props as some may be hard to get but we decided we would use a video tape instead of a piece of paper to add a sense of mystery to our scene because people will want to know what is on the tape.

Camera Angles/Movement
- We haven't had much thought on the camera angles and movement yet but when we story board our idea it will be easier to picture it and choose the right shots and movement we need.

Our Idea
the basic outline of out idea is:
A opens and squeaky wooden gate and walks through it, then walks down a path to some steps where she walks down them. At this moment in time B is sitting on a Bench at the bottom of the steps and the camera is from an over the shoulder shot of A to an over the shoulder shot of B etc. A slowly makes her way to the bench that B is sitting on. She gives B the tape and B rips the tape up.

We decided that we would use The Springs in Ashwell to be the setting for our short scene. This is because we felt that at night it has a very spooky feel to it and this will add a good feeling to how we want the viewers to feel when watching it. We also decided that we would use a video tape instead of a piece of paper (as mentioned in props) to create the sense of mystery. We will film at night as it is the best time to create a scary and creepy atmosphere and especially at the springs where it already has a spine-tingling feel to it. Although in the instructions for the task it says about a corridor because we are outside we won't be able to but instead we will use a passageway that is covered by trees and as mentions in the 'Our Idea' section above the door will instead be a wooden gate outside.

Story Board
In todays lesson as a group we created a story board and wrote on it each camera angle that we will have for each shot.
Below is an image of it:

This is how our final piece ended up like: