As part of
my research I created a questionnaire which a total of 22 people filled out.
I asked
these questions:
How old are you?
Are you a male or female?
Do you like horror films?
How do you watch horror films?
Who do you watch them with?
How often do you watch them?
Do you look for a particular actor/actress?
What is your preferred type of horror?
How much would you be willing to spend to watch
a horror film?
From these
questions and the answers I collected I made various pie charts and also a few bar
graphs, these are seen below:
From the information I collected I thought that it would be good to target my audience mainly for males from the age range of about 16-21.
I have also produced a short movie of interview clips that I will include in my evaluation. This movie goes into a bit more depth because you can actually hear them talking about.